2024 Parents Meetings!

Hello all! Some important dates are listed below. All members should encourage their parents and guardians to attend these Booster hosted events.

Parents Night
October 17, 2024
RHS Commons
Come meet our Booster Board, learn about the team, see a student performance, and hear some important announcements about our home tournament! All parents are required to attend this short meeting.

Judges Training
October 29, 2024
RHS Commons
All students are required to provide a judge for every three tournaments that they attend. We will train parents, older siblings, family friends, grandparents, and more to be the best possible judge throughout the year. With contributions from both student competitors and other parents who have judged both virtually and in-person, this will allow you to be comfortable and confident throughout the tournament season. New, newer, and experienced judges are welcome to attend, as we will review the differences between virtual and in-person judging, as well as the basics.

Parents Meetings!

Hello all! Some important dates are listed below. All members should encourage their parents and guardians to attend these Booster hosted events.

Booster Board Meeting
November 7
RHS Commons
Interested in helping out with the board? Have some great ideas for our team? Want to positively impact the future of RHS Speech and Debate? Consider joining the Booster Board! With a low time commitment, this organization is the reason why we are successful as a team and as a little family! We NEED you!

Parents Night
October 11
RHS Commons
Come meet our Booster Board, learn about the team, see a student performance, and hear some important announcements about our home tournament! All parents are encouraged to attend this short meeting.

Judges Training
October 26
RHS Commons
All students are required to provide a judge for every three tournaments that they attend. We will train parents, older siblings, family friends, grandparents, and more to be the best possible judge throughout the year. With contributions from both student competitors and other parents who have judged both virtually and in-person, this will allow you to be comfortable and confident throughout the tournament season. New, newer, and experienced judges are welcome to attend, as we will review the differences between virtual and in-person judging, as well as the basics.

2023-2024 Intake Forms

As a reminder, all students AND parents must fill out the following forms to attend ANY tournaments during the season!

  1. Student Intake Forms (or copy and paste this link into your browser: https://forms.gle/2TaSbZ4pVw7kDoqWA)
  2. Parent Intake Forms (or copy and paste this link into your browser: https://forms.gle/ggWdVTxHuednJ57V9)
  3. SchoolCash Permission Slips (will be emailed to you once your name is added to the list) – Students will have to complete this for BOTH the Fall and Spring Semester, even if they are only attending one tournament during that time period!

2022-2023 Important Dates

Hello all! Some important dates are listed below. All members should encourage their parents and guardians to attend these Booster hosted events.

Booster Board Meeting
September 20
Room 104
Interested in helping out with the board? Have some great ideas for our team? Want to positively impact the future of RHS Speech and Debate? Consider joining the Booster Board! With a low time commitment, this organization is the reason why we are successful as a team and as a little family! We NEED you!

Parents Night
October 6
RHS Commons
Come meet our Booster Board, learn about the team, see a student performance, and hear some important announcements about our home tournament! All parents are encouraged to attend this short meeting.

Judges Training
October 20
RHS Commons
All students are required to provide a judge for every three tournaments that they attend. We will train parents, older siblings, family friends, grandparents, and more to be the best possible judge throughout the year. With contributions from both student competitors and other parents who have judged both virtually and in-person, this will allow you to be comfortable and confident throughout the tournament season. New, newer, and experienced judges are welcome to attend, as we will review the differences between virtual and in-person judging, as well as the basics.

2022-2023 Intake Forms

As a reminder to all members, you must complete the following forms before attending your first tournament!

Parent Forms: https://forms.gle/KySG5EGmvK5pNCaaA

Student Forms: https://forms.gle/iKVDqx7Z5y6v2pFn8

Information on joining our Booster Club is located on the parent forms. As a special 2022-2023 deal, we are offering an early bird discount for parents who wish to join the booster club! It will only cost $100 if joined before the Parent Meeting on October 6th. After the 6th, it will be $120.

2022-2023 Season Calendar!

Hope you all are excited for an amazing season! Please see below for the official tournament calendar for the 2022-2023 season. This calendar may change but all edits will be communicated during our weekly practices OR on Microsoft Teams.

Click HERE for the calendar, or copy and paste this link into your browser: https://www.rhsforensics.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Speech-Debate-Students-and-Parents-Schedule-22-23.pdf

Send Ms. Burke or Ms. Stern a message on Teams if you would like to be added to our group! Or, send an email to kburke@rtnj.org or mstern@rtnj.org.

Upcoming Events!

Hello all! Some important dates are listed below. All members should encourage their parents and guardians to attend these Booster hosted events.

Parents Night
October 12
RHS Orchestra Room
Come meet our Booster Board, learn about the team, see a student performance, and hear some important announcements about our home tournament! All parents are encouraged to attend this short meeting.

Judges Training
October 26
RHS Commons
All students are required to provide a judge for every three tournaments that they attend. We will train parents, older siblings, family friends, grandparents, and more to be the best possible judge throughout the year. With contributions from both student competitors and other parents who have judged both virtually and in-person, this will allow you to be comfortable and confident throughout the tournament season. New, newer, and experienced judges are welcome to attend, as we will review the differences between virtual and in-person judging, as well as the basics.

Intake Forms

Welcome to all of our new and returning members and parents! This year is going to be a great one, and it’s because of all of you. Your dedication is admirable!

A couple of announcements:

— Our intake forms are going to remain digital this year. Students, please fill out your form at THIS LINK. Please forward the parent form (at THIS LINK) to your parents/guardians. The parent form requires a document upload (with the link to those documents both on the form and located HERE). Please print these documents, and have your parents/guardians sign them. Then, either take a clear picture or scan them, so that you can upload them to the Parent Form

— The next Booster Parents meeting will be October 7 at 7:00pm. All parents are welcome to attend!

— Our Parent’s Welcome Night will be October 12 at 7:00pm at RHS.

— Our Judge’s Training will be October 26 at 7:00pm at RHS.

Student Forms 2021-2022

Parent Forms 2021-2022

Intake Forms

Welcome to all our new and returning members and parents! I know that this year will look different than most, but we are a strong team and we continue to remain strong throughout this season. Our Parent Night and Judge Training dates are forthcoming, as well as other information about meetings during and after the school day. In the meantime, we do have some documentation that must be filled out for the year. Our intake forms are going to remain digital this year. Students, please fill out your form at the link below and forward the parent form to your parents/guardians. The parent form requires a document upload (with the link to those documents both on the form and located here). Please print these documents, and have your parents/guardians sign them. Then, either take a clear picture or scan them, so that you can upload them to the form.

Student Forms 2020-2021

Parent Forms 2020-2021

States and Districts Postponed

As of now, NJSDL State Championships are postponed indefinitely. The NJ District Qualifying Tournament has been rescheduled for May 1-2, but stay alert because that date may move up or become cancelled altogether depending on future circumstances.

Stay safe and be well!